Vol. 8, Special Issue 4, Part E (2024)
Occurrence of renal disorders and associated clinico-epidemiological factors in dogs of Bareilly region of Uttar Pradesh, India
Chand, Akash B Mote, Sahadeb Dey, Ujjwal Kumar De, AC Saxena, Raguvaran R, Arjun Shanavas, Anandu S, Navjot Singh Thakur, Indu Yadav, Ankit Dahiya and K Mahendran
Urinary system plays an important role in the excretion of the metabolic waste from the body. Kidney is the vital organ of the body having variety of functions, important for the survivability of the animal. Any of alteration in kidney function disbalance the normal homeostasis of the body and if not noticed earlier, the alteration in kidney in chronic case may leads to the death of animals. Overall incidence of kidney failure cases from March, 2021 to August,2021 was found 1.16%. Dogs were screened for renal failure on basis of history (Toxin, nephrotoxic drug), clinical signs (vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, oral ulcer, halitosis, dullness, pale mucus membrane etc.), haemato-biochemical analysis (Haemoglobin, Packed cell volume, Total erythrocyte count, total antioxidant capacity, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen) urinalysis (proteinuria, glucosuria, ketonuria, leucocytes and Casts and specific gravity) and ultrasonography. According to different age groups it was found that highest incidence were in 4-8 yrs. of age group, followed by >8 yrs. of age group and lowest in 0-4 yrs. of age group. Highest cases of renal failure were recorded in Labrador followed by Pomeranian and German shepherd etc. In terms of males and females, males (1.24%) were more affected than Female (0.57%) out of total diseased cases of canine population from March, 2021 to August, 2021.
Pages: 354-359 | 371 Views 177 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Chand, Akash B Mote, Sahadeb Dey, Ujjwal Kumar De, AC Saxena, Raguvaran R, Arjun Shanavas, Anandu S, Navjot Singh Thakur, Indu Yadav, Ankit Dahiya and K Mahendran. Occurrence of renal disorders and associated clinico-epidemiological factors in dogs of Bareilly region of Uttar Pradesh, India. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(4S):354-359. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i4Se.991