Vol. 8, Special Issue 4, Part D (2024)

Canine anemia: Clinical assessment, prevalence and morphological classification


Sneha Swami, Santosh Moregaonkar, Govind Gangane, Pravin Rathod, Babasaheb Narladkar, Pranesh Yeotikar, Meera Sakhare and Dipali Pathade

The present study entitled “Canine Anemia: Clinical assessment, Prevalence and Morphological classification” was conducted at Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Parbhani. During study, total 146 dogs were screened from dog breeder farms, Veterinary dispensaries, and Veterinary Clinical Complex for detection of anemia. Out of that, 76 cases were considered anemic based on history, clinical signs, and laboratory tests. Suspected cases were examined for morphological classification of anemia.
Clinical evaluation revealed that anemic dogs had rough skin and hair coats, pale visible mucus membranes, lethargy, anorexia, tachycardia and deep breathing as prominent clinical features. Hematology revealed significantly lower values of Hb, PCV, TEC, MCV, and MCHC, whereas, values of TLC, DLC and platelets were found within normal physiological range.
Overall prevalence of anemia was 52.06%. It was found highest in adult dogs that to in males compared to females, in ND breed of dog and during monsoon season. Morphologically, there was marked variation in shape and size of erythrocytes. Morphologically, microcytic hypochromic anemia was recorded as a major type of anemia.
1. Dog plays most important role in human lives as a best companion. Due to their fundamental behavioral characters like obedience, loyalty, adoptability, sensitive olfaction, differentiation and investigating behavior, different dog breeds are utilized for various purposes viz., sporting, crime detection, explosive searching, etc.
2. Considering the various diseases of dogs, anemia is most common and frequently diagnosed complication caused due to many etiological factors, some of which are life-threatening in veterinary practice.

Pages: 279-284  |  820 Views  380 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Sneha Swami, Santosh Moregaonkar, Govind Gangane, Pravin Rathod, Babasaheb Narladkar, Pranesh Yeotikar, Meera Sakhare and Dipali Pathade. Canine anemia: Clinical assessment, prevalence and morphological classification. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(4S):279-284. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i4Sd.961