Vol. 8, Special Issue 3, Part C (2024)

In-silico detection of deleterious mutation in LEPR gene in dairy cattle


Ravina, Ayushi Singh, Dharamshaw CA, Kiyevi G Chishi, Pallavi Rathi, Chandana Sree Chinnareddyvari and Rangasai Chandra Goli

LEPR gene specific deleterious mutations were identified in dairy cattle using in silico approach. SNP variants associated gene were retrieved and associated protein sequence was accessed from UniProt database. SNP variants were filtered for Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant (SIFT) algorithm with a threshold of <= 0.5. A total of 238 SNPs were found to be deleterious point mutations. These missense SNPs were further filtered and ordered as per SIFT score. Only four SNPs with lower SIFT score were considered highly missense mutations. These SNPs with point mutations at F88Y, S461G, T941M, L912R were further analysed using PolyPhen-2 and MutPred2 algorithm. Further, structural stability was checked through calculation of Gibbs Free energy using MUpro software. Interactions OF LEPR gene with other proteins and genes were identified through STRING network. STRING interactions revealed its association with LEP, JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, NPY, POMC, INS, AGRP, SOCS3 and IL6 gene. These genes were affecting processes such as feed intake, immunity, energy homeostasis, insulin signalling in cattle. Overall, this is one of its first attempt to predict deleterious mutations in LEPR gene using in silico approach. It may be useful for preliminary identification of missense mutations in LEPR gene in cattle.

Pages: 187-190  |  467 Views  136 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Ravina, Ayushi Singh, Dharamshaw CA, Kiyevi G Chishi, Pallavi Rathi, Chandana Sree Chinnareddyvari and Rangasai Chandra Goli. In-silico detection of deleterious mutation in LEPR gene in dairy cattle. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(3S):187-190. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i3Sc.747