Vol. 8, Special Issue 2, Part B (2024)
Effect of Buparvaquone in successful therapeutic management of Caprine Theileriosis
Prerona Patowary, Dipak Bhuyan, Farzin Akhtar, Maradona Nath, Pallabi Devi, Abhijit Deka and Manoj Kr. Kalita
Caprine theileriosis is a tick–borne infectious disease of goats predominantly transmitted by the Ixodid ticks of the genus Rhiphicephalus and Hyalomma species. In this present study a one-year-old female beetal goat was found to be suffering from inappetence, weakness, jowl edema since 2 days. Detailed clinical examination revealed rough body coat, emaciation, prostration, inability to get up, pyrexia, tachycardia, pale mucus membranes and enlarged lymph nodes. Anaemia, reduced haematocrit, leucocytosis, hypoproteinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia were the significant haematobiochemical abnormalities recorded in the goat. Theileriosis infection was confirmed by detection of piroplasms in red blood cells of Giemsa stained peripheral blood smears. Therapeutic management of the goat with buparvaquone along with supportive treatment resulted in uneventful recovery of the affected goat.
Pages: 124-126 | 739 Views 272 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Prerona Patowary, Dipak Bhuyan, Farzin Akhtar, Maradona Nath, Pallabi Devi, Abhijit Deka and Manoj Kr. Kalita. Effect of Buparvaquone in successful therapeutic management of Caprine Theileriosis. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(2S):124-126. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i2Sb.519