Vol. 8, Special Issue 1, Part F (2024)
Studies on the preparation of lime-blended beet syrup
AR Veer, YB Dharmik, ED Bagde, PN Dawane and SP Patinge
An experiment named "Studies on preparation of lime-blended beet syrup" was conducted out in the Postharvest Technology Laboratory, Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, in 2022, to investigate the various lime-blended beet syrup recipes and their storability, to evaluate the chemical changes and sensory attributes of lime blended beet syrup under ambient storage conditions, and to determine the best mix of beet pulp and lime juice for the creation of blended beet syrup. The experiment was carried out in a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with two factors, factor A consisting of three levels of pulp viz., P1 (25% pulp), P2 (30% pulp), and P3 (35% pulp), and factor B consisting of four levels of lime juice concentrations viz. L1 - 0%, L2 - 2%, L3 - 4%, and L4 - 6% with twelve treatment combinations and replicated three times. According to the data, the TSS, total sugars, reducing sugars, and pH content of lime blended beet syrup gradually increased over a 120-day storage period. However, as storage time increased, the acidity, non-reducing sugars, and ascorbic acid concentration of lime-blended beet syrup dropped. The treatment P2L3 (30% pulp: 4% lime juice) had the smallest change in TSS, acidity, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, total sugars, ascorbic acid, and pH, while the treatment P1L4 (25% pulp: 6% lime juice) had the most change. Furthermore, as the storage duration progressed, the colour, taste, flavour, and overall acceptability evaluations dropped. When compared to the others, the lime-blended beet syrup with 30% pulp and 4% lime juice received a higher score. As a result, the treatment combination of 30% pulp content and 4% lime juice concentration was discovered to be the best for the creation of lime-blended beet syrup.
Pages: 406-410 | 786 Views 386 Downloads
How to cite this article:
AR Veer, YB Dharmik, ED Bagde, PN Dawane and SP Patinge. Studies on the preparation of lime-blended beet syrup. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(1S):406-410. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i1Sf.344