Vol. 7, Special Issue 2, Part B (2023)
Effect of weed management practices on weeds and productivity of timely sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Rajnish, Manisha Phaugat, Minnu Sasi, Tapor Pakpu, Prerna Gupta and Priya Rawat
Wheat, a significant grain crop, is the second-largest crop in terms of acreage and output after rice. It is farmed on around 217 million hectares worldwide, with nearly half of it in poor nations. Wheat is a member of the Poaceae family. Weed flora in wheat crop includes Phalaris minor, Avena ludoviciana, Chenopodium album, Lathyrus aphaca, Vicia sativa, Vicia hirsute, Medicago hispida, Cichorium intybus, Asphodelus tenuifolius, and Melilotus alba. The major weed flora dominated with grassy weeds comprising Phalaris minor (29.7%) and Avena ludoviciana (40%), while the broad leaf weeds were Lathyrus, aphaca (8.8%), Chenopodium album (8.2%), Melilotus indica (4%), Rumex retroflexus (4%), Coronopus didymus (2.7%), and Convolvulus arvensis (2.5%). The major weed flora of wheat crop includes Polygonum orientale, P. minor, Eclipta alba, Cynodon dactylon, Setaria glauca, Digitaria sanguinalis, Shyamet al., Weed control efficiency of metsulfuron methyl treated plots was also maximum at 4 g ha-1 (81.3%) and at 6 g ha-1 (91.3%). Soil characteristics were determined by collecting soil samples from 10 locations in the experimental field. The results of mechanical and chemical analysis showed that weed management practices significantly affected plant height at all stages of crop growth except 30 days after transplanting. The maximum plant height was recorded in weed free treatment, which was at par with Clodinafop + Metsulfuron, Carfentazone, Clodinafop + Metsulfuron, Carfentazone + Sulfosulfuron, and Clodinofop + Carfentazone. Yield attributes were also analyzed, with the number of spikes and length of spike recorded significantly higher in weed free treatment. The maximum length of spike (11.2) was recorded under weed free treatment, which was significantly higher than Metsulfuron, Clodinafop, Carfentazone, and weed check.
Pages: 100-104 | 751 Views 278 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Rajnish, Manisha Phaugat, Minnu Sasi, Tapor Pakpu, Prerna Gupta and Priya Rawat. Effect of weed management practices on weeds and productivity of timely sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2023;7(2S):100-104. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2023.v7.i2Sb.195