Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part Q (2024)
Impact of bamboo based agroforestry system on yield and quality of turmeric (Curcuma longa) grown in entisols
Ranjitsinh Bira Dhale, PD Raut, RN Katkar, VM Illorkar, ST Dangore, UB Dolaskar, SS Nagdeve and NJ Shahare
A field experiment with randomized block design (RBD) with 3 replication and 9 treatments was conducted at the AICRP on Agroforestry, College of Agriculture, Nagpur (Maharashtra) during the Kharif season of 2023-24 at research farm. The treatments included turmeric with T1-open plot, T2-Bambusa vulgaris, T3-Dendrocalamus longipathus, T4- Bambusa tulda, T5-Bambusa cacherensis, T6-Dendrocalamus stocksii, T7-Bambusa polymorpha, T8-Bambusa balcooa, and T9-Dendrocalamus strictus with application of recommended dose of fertilizer (120;60;60 NPK kg ha-1) in each treatment. The results showed that, yield of turmeric was highest in open plot (235.18 q ha-1) than under different bamboo species, while Bambusa tulda (230.93 q ha-1) and Bambusa balcooa (220 q ha-1) showed relatively higher yield of turmeric than other bamboo species. Curcumin content (%) was found to be significantly higher in shade under bamboo-based agroforestry than open. Dendrocalamus stocksii (3.99%) shows highest curcumin percentage followed closely by Dendrocalamus longipathus (3.94%) and Bambusa cacherensis (3.92%) and turmeric in open plot shows lowest Curcumin % (3.37).
Pages: 1327-1331 | 392 Views 212 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ranjitsinh Bira Dhale, PD Raut, RN Katkar, VM Illorkar, ST Dangore, UB Dolaskar, SS Nagdeve and NJ Shahare. Impact of bamboo based agroforestry system on yield and quality of turmeric (Curcuma longa) grown in entisols. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):1327-1331. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8q.1983