Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part M (2024)

Effect of organic nutrients on growth, yield and quality of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) var. Crimson Globe


Pinkal S Asari, BH Panchal, SJ Macwan and TS Barot

The field experiment entitled “Effect of organic nutrients on growth, yield and quality of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) var. Crimson Globe” was conducted during the rabi season of the year 2023-24 at Horticulture Research Farm, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. Among different treatments, the maximum number of leaves per plant (7.86 and 9.76), plant height (17.25 cm and 34.79 cm), plant width (29.57 cm and 42.57 cm), leaf area (105.14 cm2 and 163.65 cm2), leaf area index (0.234 and 0.363) were recorded at 25 and 50 DAS respectively as well as shoot weight at harvest (146.64 g) was recorded with treatment of 75% RDN through vermicompost + Bio-NPK (Drenching at 20 DAS). Maximum root length (17.21 cm), root diameter (78.77 mm), fresh weight of root (212.52 g), total plant biomass (340.53 g), dry weight of total biomass (21.85 g), root to shoot ratio (1.66), root yield (7.35 kg/plot), TSS (8.71 0Brix) and total sugar content (7.45%) were recorded with the treatment 50% RDN through FYM + 25% RDN through Vermicompost + Bio-NPK (Drenching at 20 DAS) + Panchagavya @ 3%.

Pages: 976-981  |  503 Views  317 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Pinkal S Asari, BH Panchal, SJ Macwan and TS Barot. Effect of organic nutrients on growth, yield and quality of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) var. Crimson Globe. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):976-981. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8m.1909