Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part G (2024)
Studies on integrated nutrient management for growth and yield of custard apple with special reference to economics
Patil Abhishek, Haldar Ajay, Gawali Kevin, Kamde Mayur and Bobade S Piyush
A research study titled “Studies on integrated nutrient management for growth and yield of custard apple with special reference to economics”. The research study was done in the field of student instruction and Custard apple Orchard, Department of Horticulture, School of Agricultural Sciences, G. H. Raisoni University Saikheda, Dist.- Pandhurna (M.P.) during Kharif 2023. The details of materials used in experimental they have 10 treatments with control, the experiment analysed under Randomized Block Design (RBD), with three replications. The treatment details are T1-100 % Vermicompost as per RD, T2-100 % FYM as per RD, T3-75% Vermicompost as per RD + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 100 g Rhizobium, T4-75 % FYM as per RD + 100 g Azotobacter + 100 g PSB + 100 g Rhizobium, T5-Per plant, 100% RDF (250:125:125 NPK) grams, T6-100 g each of Azotobacter, PSB, and Rhizobium + 75% RDF (188:94:94 NPK) , T7-2 kg vermin-compost + 100 g each of Azoto-bacter, PSB, and Rhizobium + 75 percent RDF (188:94:94 NPK), T8-1.5kg of neem-cake + 100 gm of Azoto-bacter + 100 gm of Phosphate solubilizing bacteria + 75% RDF (188:94:94 NPK), T9-100 gm each of Rhizobium, Azotobacter, and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria + 0.75 kg of Neem-cake + 1 kg of Vermi-compost + 75% RDF (188:94:94 NPK), and T10- Control. The observation was recorded under the experiment (growth and yield) of custard Apple such as plant volume (m³), plant height (m), plant spread (m), stem diameter (cm), fruit yield (kg/Tree), fruit weight (g), gross returns and net profit. The result revealed that the maximum plant volume (0.0068 m³), plant height (3.38 m), plant spread (2.77 m), stem diameter (18.25 cm), fruit yield (10.62 kg/tree), fruit weight (167.25 g), and economics gross return (Rs. 849600.00), net return (Rs. 614048.00), while the minimum was recorded under the T10- Control in all the above treatments.
Pages: 525-529 | 349 Views 160 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Patil Abhishek, Haldar Ajay, Gawali Kevin, Kamde Mayur and Bobade S Piyush. Studies on integrated nutrient management for growth and yield of custard apple with special reference to economics. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):525-529. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8g.1787