Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part E (2024)

Correlation and path coefficient studies for quantitative characters of turmeric varietal evaluation in Bilaspur region of Chhattisgarh


Sandhya Mishra, Roshan Parihar, DJ Sharma, SK Verma and NK Chaure

In present experiment, ten turmeric varieties were used (Narendra, Duggirala red, CG-01, CG-02, BSR-2, Suranjana, Roma, Local, NDH-98 and Rajendra sonia). The research was conducted in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. The correlation analysis study revealed that total yield of rhizomes per ha (q) had strong positive association with yield of rhizomes per plot (kg), weight of primary rhizome (gm/clump), core diameter of primary rhizome (cm), girth of primary rhizome (cm), length of primary rhizome (cm), plant height (cm) at 90 DAP, length of leaves (cm) at 120 DAP and plant height (cm) at 120 DAP. The association studied indicated that rhizome yield of turmeric can be improved by varieties having higher performances for the above characters. Inter- correlation among yield attributing traits revealed that positive and significant association among most of the component traits under studied. The path coefficient analysis revealed that length of leaves (cm) at 90 DAP, plant height (cm) at 120 cm, number of leaves (no./plant) at 120 DAP, weight of primary rhizome (gm/clump), core diameter of primary rhizome (cm), girth of primary rhizome (cm) and length of primary rhizome (cm) were exerted negligible positive direct effect on rhizome yield. In conclusion, the current study has revealed useful information on v yield attributing traits viz. weight of primary rhizome (gm/clump), core diameter of primary rhizome (cm), girth of primary rhizome (cm), length of primary rhizome (cm), plant height (cm) at 90 DAP, length of leaves (cm) at 120 DAP, number of leaves (no./plant) at 120 DAP and plant height (cm) at 120 DAP for improving turmeric yield. Roma was significant superior over all the varieties for traits like weight of primary rhizome (gm/clump) and core diameter of primary rhizome (cm) but at par with local, BSR-2 and NDH-98 for core diameter of primary rhizome (cm). Varieties Roma, local landrace, BSR-2 and Duggirala red were found significant superior over all other tested varieties for yield and yield contributing traits.

Pages: 380-384  |  311 Views  121 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Sandhya Mishra, Roshan Parihar, DJ Sharma, SK Verma and NK Chaure. Correlation and path coefficient studies for quantitative characters of turmeric varietal evaluation in Bilaspur region of Chhattisgarh. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):380-384. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8e.1810