Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part E (2024)
Stability analysis for yield and yield contributing characters in maize for different seasons at Rahuri
PN Jogdande, VL Amolic and PD Waghmare
The experimental material comprised nine parental maize inbred lines, which were crossed in a full diallel mating system to produce 72 hybrids during the rabi 2020. In the present investigation, data were recorded on ten yield contributing quantitative traits. Estimation of stability of genotypes was described by three parameters viz., mean performance, regression from the mean performance on environmental index (bi) and the function of squared deviation from regression (S2di). Eberhart and Russel (1966) used the following model to study the stability of varieties under different environments. For stability analysis 72 hybrids with 9 parents along with 3 standard checks were used and stability analysis was carried for different characters over three different environments and results obtained are as under. Estimates of environmental indices (Ij) revealed that within all three environments, environment-3 was most favourable for yield contributing characters. The thirteen hybrids and one check viz., IC-552819 x HYD-52212, HYD- 52212 x EC-639008, IC-470475 x HYD-52065, IC-470475 x HYD-52327, HYD-52327 x IC-472475, HYD-52184 x IC-552819, IC-552819 x HYD-52184, HYD-52184 x EC-639008, HYD-52065 x HYD-52327, HYD-52327 x HYD-52065, EC-639232 x HYD-52065, IC-552819 x IC-437070, IC-437070 x IC-552819 and check Parmeshwar.
Pages: 353-365 | 353 Views 120 Downloads
How to cite this article:
PN Jogdande, VL Amolic and PD Waghmare. Stability analysis for yield and yield contributing characters in maize for different seasons at Rahuri. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):353-365. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8e.1754