Vol. 8, Issue 8, Part D (2024)
Genetic variability on yield and quality of different Sponge gourd (Luffacylindrica) genotypes under Prayagraj Agro-climatic condition
Sashi Suman, Samir Ebson Topno, Vijay Bahadur and Anita Kerketta
A field experiment was carried out during Zaid season, in the year 2023 at Horticulture Research Field, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (U.P.) India. Under this study, total 14 new genotypes of sponge gourd were tested and compared with two local checks. Results reflects that, the different genotypes performed differently with regards to growth & yield. The genotype AVT-1,2021/ SPGVAR-4 (T4) recorded best growth which resulted into, higher fruit size (23.87 cm long), fruit diameter (5.50 cm) fruit weight (129.24 g), number of fruits (11.25), higher fruit yield (131.71 q/ha). TSS (4.63%) with attractive fruit colour (dark green) and cylindrical in shape. However, Genotype IET 2022/SPGVAR-6 was early bearer while, Genotype IET 2022/SPGVAR-8 contains more numbers of seeds/ fruit (94.81). Besides it’s, Fruit yield showed highest Genotypic (24.96) as well as phenotypic (28.30) co-efficient of variation among all other yield and quality characters under study.
Pages: 251-254 | 422 Views 187 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Sashi Suman, Samir Ebson Topno, Vijay Bahadur and Anita Kerketta. Genetic variability on yield and quality of different Sponge gourd (Luffacylindrica) genotypes under Prayagraj Agro-climatic condition. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(8):251-254. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i8d.1748