Vol. 8, Issue 7, Part m (2024)
Effect of different plant spacing and time of pinching on growth and flowering of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium L.) cv. Ratlam Selection
Shraddha V Kathad, MM Masu, DD Parekh and Isha K Bagadia
The present investigation on“Effect of different plant spacing and time of pinching on growth and flowering of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium L.) cv. Ratlam Selection” was conducted during August 2023 to January 2024 at Flower and Ornamental Nursery, College of Horticulture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat. The experimental material comprised of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium L.) cv. Ratlam Selection. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications. The experiment was comprised of two factors viz., four spacing viz., S0 (45 × 30 cm), S1 (45 × 45 cm), S2 (60 × 45 cm) and S3 (60 × 60 cm) and three pinching levels viz., P0 (No pinching), P1 (Pinching at 30 DATP) and P2 (Pinching at 45 DATP). It was found that wider spacing and pinching at 30 DATP recorded maximum number of branches and plant spread (N-S and E-W). Whereas, closer spacing found maximum plant height, minimum days taken to first flower bud initiation and days taken to 50% flower opening of chrysanthemum.
Pages: 1060-1063 | 150 Views 73 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Shraddha V Kathad, MM Masu, DD Parekh and Isha K Bagadia. Effect of different plant spacing and time of pinching on growth and flowering of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium L.) cv. Ratlam Selection. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(7):1060-1063. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i7m.1665