Vol. 8, Issue 7, Part H (2024)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Efficacy of various storage treatments on wheat (Triticum aestivum) preservation and rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) control
Bhupender, Usha Yadav, Anamika Kumari and Sachin
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 611-616
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Biochemical changes in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves infected with chilli leaf curl virus (CLCV)
Urja B Solanki, YM Shukla, BP Chauhan, JJ Dhruv and NJ Patel
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 617-626
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (937 KB)  |  435 Views 218 Downloads
Assessment of physio-chemical properties of soils of different villages of Aurangabad district Bihar
Rohit Kumar Singh, Ram Bharose, Mudit Tripathi and Raghvendra Kumar Kushwaha
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 627-632
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (847 KB)  |  392 Views 136 Downloads
Effect of nano urea and nano dap conjugated with potassium on physical and chemical properties of soil, growth and yield of okra crop (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) var. Sudha
Raghvendra Kumar Kushwaha, Dr. Ram Bharose, Mudit Tripathi, Drishty Katiyar, Rohit Kumar Singh, Rohan Rajput and Tanubrata Kapat
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 633-637
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Effect of foliar application of nano urea on growth and yield of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) CV. GJCA-1
Divya M Ganvit, AM Butani, Ridhdhi D Patel and RN Bhoya
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 638-641
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Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) CV. Kavya
RN Bhoya, AM Butani, VD Solanki and NA Paija
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 642-644
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Assessment of botanical extracts and biocontrol agents for the management of leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera instigated by Alternaria alternata
Soram Renubala, Sanjog Chhetri, Amit Kumar Yadav, T Khushim Maring and Mona Lukram
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 645-650
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Evaluation of botanical extracts and biocontrol agents for the management of leaf spot disease in Aloe vera caused by Alternaria alternata
T Khushim Maring, Sanjog Chhetri, Amit Kumar Yadav, Soram Renubala and Mona Lukram
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 651-656
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (1035 KB)  |  428 Views 192 Downloads
Sensory evaluation and cost calculation of plant milk and its product
Siddhant Parashar and Dr. Seema Sonkar
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 657-662
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (730 KB)  |  605 Views 303 Downloads
Evaluation of botanicals and essential oils under in vitro condition against sheath rot disease of rice
Dayasagar, PK Tiwari, Sant Ram Sahu, Sonal Kumar and Amit
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(7): 663-666
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (929 KB)  |  346 Views 121 Downloads