Vol. 8, Issue 6, Part D (2024)

Study on the effect of foliar spray of NAA, GA3 and Ethrel on yield and yield attributing traits of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula)


Baishali Mohanta, Dr. Devi Singh, Dr. C John Wesley, Dr. Kamin Alexander and Dr. Poonam Prakash

A field experiment entitled effect of foliar spray of NAA, GA3 and Ethrel on yield and yield attributing traits of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) was conducted at Sam Higgin bottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Science, involving two distinct varieties of ridge gourd, namely TMRG 1509 and Ridge gourd Check Aneeta. 12 combinations were applied, consisting of various concentrations of GA3 (50 to 200 ppm), Ethrel (50 to 150 ppm), and NAA (50 to 200 ppm), along with a control group receiving a water spray. The growth regulators were administered at three different growth stages, including four-leaf and flower initiation, flower and fruit initiation, and four-leaf, flower, and fruit initiation. The experimental design employed a Randomized Block Design with a Factorial concept.
The results of the study revealed significant variations in yield and yield attributing traits of the two ridge gourd varieties in response to the different treatments and growth stages. Overall, the application of GA3 at 200 ppm during the flower and fruit initiation stage exhibited the highest increase in yield and several yield attributing traits, such as fruit size, number of fruits per plant, and average fruit weight, for both ridge gourd varieties. Results revealed that maximum vine Length (300.27 cm), germination percentage (96.67%), Seed Index (12.62), number of seed per fruit (129.60), fruit weight (147.78) TSS (1.35) and Ascorbic acid (11.00) is recorded in Treatment with GA3 200 ppm. The maximum number of fruits per vine (13.60), fruit Girth (38.20 mm) and fruit yield per Vine (2.09kg) is recorded in Treatment with Ethrel 200 ppm. The maximum fruit Length (29.08cm), days taken for flower initiation male (38.20) female (44.40) was recorded in Treatment with NAA 200 ppm. Ethrel and NAA treatments also showed positive effects on yield and yield attributes, albeit to a lesser extent.

Pages: 296-300  |  548 Views  289 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Baishali Mohanta, Dr. Devi Singh, Dr. C John Wesley, Dr. Kamin Alexander and Dr. Poonam Prakash. Study on the effect of foliar spray of NAA, GA3 and Ethrel on yield and yield attributing traits of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula). Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(6):296-300. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i6d.1324