Vol. 8, Issue 6, Part C (2024)

Efficacy of bioagents and Fungi toxicants against black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) of Potato


Aditya Gupta, Kartikay Bisen, Aditya Kamal, Aditya Maddheshiya, Vikash Kumar and Ayush Kumar

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Family Solanaceae), popularly known as “The King of Vegetables” is a native of South America and occupies the largest area under any single vegetable crop in the world. It is affected various disease including early and late blight, brown rot, sclerotium wilt, black scurf. black scurf is one of the most destructive diseases of potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. This disease caused yield loss and reduced the quality of potato crop. An experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of bioagents and fungi toxicant against Black scurf disease reduction as well as germination and yield parameter, at department of plant pathology, Rama University, Kanpur during rabi season 2023-24. Result of study revealed that foliar application of Pencycuron 250 SC @ 0.25% led to minimum disease incidence (5.33%) and maximum disease incidence reduction (52.67%) and foliar application of Mencozeb 75% WP @ 0.25% led to promote the germination (88.67%) and tuber treatment with 3% boric acid led to maximum yield (265.33 q/ha). Among the bioagent Bacillus subtillis was effective to reduction of disease incidence (36.33%) and promoting the germination (86.33%) and yield (224.67q/ha) of potato crop.

Pages: 196-200  |  414 Views  181 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Aditya Gupta, Kartikay Bisen, Aditya Kamal, Aditya Maddheshiya, Vikash Kumar and Ayush Kumar. Efficacy of bioagents and Fungi toxicants against black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) of Potato. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(6):196-200. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i6c.1296