Vol. 8, Issue 5, Part d (2024)

To ascertain the constraints and suggestions of fish farmers in study area


Sumit Biswas and Dr. Ramchandra

The present investigation on the topic To Ascertain the Constraints and Suggestions of Fish Farmers in Study Area was carried out in different villages of the Kanker district of Chhattisgarh State. The details of materials used, experimental methodology followed and measurement techniques adopted during the course of study are described in this chapter. The aim of the fish farmer is to attain the maximum production, if not, reasonable production level. In producing fish, fish producers have encountered a few problems. At the time of survey, informal discussions were held with sample farmers, in which they have disclosed their production problems. The next intense problem that affecting fish farmers was diseases, out of 84.00 percent of the farmers under study, about 82 small farmers (75.93 percent), 40 medium farmers (71.43 percent) and 26 large farmers (72.22 percent) have the problem of fish diseases. Water management plays a decisive role in culture of fish. Water management includes availability of water, its inflow and out flow, turbidity and oxygen level. With respect to water management 114 farmers (57.00%) of the total reported in management problems. About 62 small farmers (57.41 percent), 32 medium farmers (57.14 percent) and 20 big farmers (55.56 percent) reported water management problem. The fourth problem that sample farmers faced was topography problem which includes geographical and climatic conditions of the fish tank. A total of 108 farmers who constituted 54.00% to the sample size have this problem. About 60 small farmers (55.56%), 30 medium farmers (53.57%) and 18 large farmers (50.00%) confronted by this problem.

Pages: 336-338  |  514 Views  221 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Sumit Biswas and Dr. Ramchandra. To ascertain the constraints and suggestions of fish farmers in study area. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(5):336-338. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i5d.1093