Vol. 8, Issue 5, Part c (2024)

Combining ability analysis for seed yield and its attributes in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss]


Patel JA, Patel PT, Zala HN and Anand V

The experimental material comprised of fifty six genotypes consisting of six cytoplasmic male sterile lines (GM 1 Ogura, GM 2 Ogura, GM 2 Oxyrrhina, GM 1 Siffolia, GM 2 Siffolia and GM 1 Mori) and seven fertile lines (GM 3, SKM 149, SKM 303, Mori ‘R’ 1-18, RSK 88, RSK 95 and RSK 96) crossed in line × tester mating design. The resultant forty two hybrids along with their thirteen parents and standard check (NRCHB 506) were evaluated in randomized block design at Castor-Mustard Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar (Gujarat) during rabi 2020-2021.
The analysis of variance for parents, hybrids and parents vs. hybrids revealed that mean sum of squares of parents were highly significant for majority of the traits except siliqua length. Whereas, hybrids differed highly significant for all the characters.
The ratio of σ2gca/ σ2sca was found less than unity for the traits viz., days to maturity, total number of branch per plant, total number of siliqua per plant, siliqua length, number of seeds per siliqua, seed yield per plant, 1000 seed weight and oil content which suggested the greater role of non-additive gene action for the inheritance for these traits.
Among the parents, female GM 1 Mori was good general combiner for seed yield per plant, total number of siliqua per plant and 1000 seed weight and GM 1 Ogura was good general combiner for seed yield, total number of branch per plant and total number of siliqua per plant. Whereas, male parent RSK 88 was good general combiner for seed yield per plant, total number of branch per plant, total number of siliqua per plant, siliqua length, number of seeds per siliqua, 1000 seed weight and oil content.
Best three hybrids which possessed significant positive SCA effects for seed yield per plant over standard check NRCHB 506 (12.20 g) were GM 1 Ogura × RSK 88 (21.41 g), GM 2 Oxyrrhina × SKM 303 (20.37 g) and GM 1 Siffolia × RSK 88 (19.95 g).

Pages: 201-204  |  593 Views  250 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Patel JA, Patel PT, Zala HN and Anand V. Combining ability analysis for seed yield and its attributes in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss]. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(5):201-204. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i5c.1069