International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research


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Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part E (2024)

Effect of salinity stress on biochemical, physiological and morphological parameters in different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L)

Author(s): Krishanu, Shailendra Pratap Singh, Shweta Yadav, Poornima Maurya and Rekha Dixit
Abstract: Salt is the most important abiotic pressure that negatively affects the quality and quantity of crops, of which 20% of irrigated agricultural land is affected by salt. Wheat is the oldest and first crop to be used in the manufacture of bread for human nutrition. To investigate the root and shoot response of wheat to salinity stress, HD3086, PBW226 and DBW 303 wheat varieties were grown under both non-stressful and stressful conditions. Before uprooting the plants MSI and chlorophyll content was recorded using the leaf samples. After that some of the leaves were harvested and are crushed in liquid nitrogen for proline, catalase and peroxidase estimation. After removing the plants from the soil, fresh and dry weight, shoot and root length, was taken.
Pages: 368-376  |  186 Views  81 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
How to cite this article:
Krishanu, Shailendra Pratap Singh, Shweta Yadav, Poornima Maurya, Rekha Dixit. Effect of salinity stress on biochemical, physiological and morphological parameters in different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L). Int J Adv Biochem Res 2024;8(4):368-376. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i4e.975
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
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