International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research


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Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part C (2024)

Maximizing wheat yield with equitable agri-inputs and weed management under restricted irrigation: A comprehensive review

Author(s): Mohit Yadav
Abstract: Maximizing wheat yield under restricted irrigation conditions is crucial for ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture. This review highlights the importance of balanced fertilization, effective weed management practices, and the equitable use of agricultural inputs in optimizing wheat yield. Studies have shown that balanced fertilization significantly increases wheat yield compared to unbalanced fertilization, with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium playing crucial roles in improving nutrient uptake efficiency and grain yield. Weed competition can have a significant negative impact on wheat yield, especially under restricted irrigation conditions. Effective weed management practices, such as herbicide application, crop rotation, and intercropping, are essential for reducing weed infestations and improving wheat yields. Analogies, such as comparing balanced fertilization to a balanced diet for human health and weed management to teamwork in a project, help illustrate the significance of these practices. Innovative approaches, including deficit irrigation, precision agriculture, and controlled-release fertilizers, are also essential for maximizing wheat yield under restricted irrigation. These strategies can enhance water use efficiency, nutrient management, and weed control, ultimately leading to higher wheat yields and improved sustainability of wheat production. Continued research and innovation in wheat production practices are crucial for adapting to changing environmental conditions and improving the productivity and resilience of wheat crops.
Pages: 220-222  |  69 Views  18 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
How to cite this article:
Mohit Yadav. Maximizing wheat yield with equitable agri-inputs and weed management under restricted irrigation: A comprehensive review. Int J Adv Biochem Res 2024;8(4):220-222. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i4c.926
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
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