Vol. 8, Issue 4, Part A (2024)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Optimizing cisplatin dosage for intra lesional administration in bovine squamous cell carcinoma: A comprehensive study in livestock farming
PL Parmar, PT Sutaria, SH Raval, PB Patel, MJ Desai and AC Patel
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 01-06
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (1006 KB)  |  742 Views 383 Downloads
Effect of micronutrients on growth, flowering and corm yield parameters in gladiolus cv. Nova Lux
Raj Kumar Jakhar and Anjana Sisodia
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 07-10
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (582 KB)  |  701 Views 338 Downloads
Effect of different in-organic additives on growth of spawn and production of Pleurotus species (P. djamor and P. sajor-caju)
JP Kannaujia, Deepman Diwakar, NK Sharma, SK Dubey, Harikesh, SN Yadav, M Saxsena, Monika Singh and JK Yadav
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 11-15
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (594 KB)  |  622 Views 267 Downloads
Chemical composition, traditional uses and pharmacological potential of Podophyllum hexandrum: An endangered medicinal plant of North-Western Himalayas
Zahid Altaf, Tahir Mushtaq, PA Sofi, Ishtiyak Ahmad Peerzada, AR Malik, Amerjeet Singh, M Iqbal Jeelani, Sabira Nissar, Jauhar Rafeeq and Peerzada Tabish Fayaz
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 16-21
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (887 KB)  |  880 Views 299 Downloads
Impact of nutrition education intervention on food consumption pattern of rural adolescent girls
Pragati Yadav and Dr. Renu Mogra
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 22-28
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (791 KB)  |  690 Views 354 Downloads
Investigation into drought tolerance linked with biochemical traits affecting linseed yield under rainfed condition
Suraj S Pokale, SB Amarshettiwar, Sapana B Baviskar and Sakshi Vilas Ingle
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 29-34
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (839 KB)  |  533 Views 239 Downloads
Nutritional importance of germinated wheat flour, mung beans and beetroot: A critical review
Dr. Pragati Yadav
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 35-37
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (572 KB)  |  690 Views 402 Downloads
Advances in edible films for enhancing food quality and sustainability
Prasun Chakraborty, Sayantika Chatterjee, Sultana Moriom Biswas and Tanmoy Majhi
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 38-43
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (667 KB)  |  637 Views 284 Downloads
A comparative statement on sustainable development of horticulture in West Bengal (India): Climate change and food security
Aritra Malik, Dipa Sanyal, Rachita Paul and Tanmoy Sarkar
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 44-48
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (718 KB)  |  734 Views 401 Downloads
Emerging postharvest technologies to enhance the shelf-life of horticultural crops: An overview
Rachita Paul, Dipa Sanyal, Aritra Malik and Tanmoy Sarkar
Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res., 2024; 8(4): 49-54
Abstract  |   Download  |   Country: India  |  File Size: (673 KB)  |  951 Views 459 Downloads