Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part e (2024)
Survey for the natural occurrence of white rust disease of rapeseed-mustard in agro-climatic zone-I of Bihar
CS Choudhary, RS Singh, Phool Chand, A Arun, Minnatullah, Amalendu Kumar and Rajesh Kumar
A roving survey was conducted during Rabi 2020-21 and Rabi 2021-22 seasons to observe natural occurrence of white rust disease of rapeseed-mustard caused by Albugo candida Kuntze prevailing in Agro- Climatic Zone-I of Bihar viz. Muzaffarpur, Samastipur, Darbhanga and Vaishali district. The presence of incidence of the disease in all the places were observed during survey and differed across the surveyed areas because of the prevailing congenial environmental conditions and pathogen factors. The white rust incidence were varied between 15.5 to 20.3%. It was found that the mean per cent disease incidence was maximum in the district of Muzaffarpur (20.3%) and minimum in the district of Vaishali (15.5%). From survey report, it had been concluded that in previous years white rust disease was considered as minor disease but due to changing climate it was prevailing in all the areas in Agro-climatic Zone- I conditions and the incidence of the disease was increasing with time in Bihar.
Pages: 420-422 | 622 Views 298 Downloads
How to cite this article:
CS Choudhary, RS Singh, Phool Chand, A Arun, Minnatullah, Amalendu Kumar and Rajesh Kumar. Survey for the natural occurrence of white rust disease of rapeseed-mustard in agro-climatic zone-I of Bihar. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(3):420-422. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i3e.761