Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part H (2024)
Characterization of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasms at morphological, biochemical and molecular level
Abhishek S Kamble, Mahendra S Dudhare, Ramesh N Dhawaleand Achut A Bharose
Characterization of the germplasms gives precise information about the extent of genetic diversity which helps in the development of an appropriate breeding program. Characterization of available germplasm is very crucial to identify desired traits or genes. In the present study, morphological, biochemical and molecular markers are used for characterization of 18 linseed germplasms. Morphological markers generally include those pivotal features that can be scored and distinguished by naked eye and easily be expressed in all environmental conditions. Morphological results indicate that the similarity matrix among 18 linseed accessions ranged from 0.14 (RLC-133- RLC-153), (RLC-133-KIRAN), (RLC-92-R-552) and (RLC-165-DEEPIKA) to 1.0 (RLC-92-RLC-167). Thus, the most similar germplasm RLC-92-RLC-167 and the most dissimilar germplasm (RLC-133- RLC-153), (RLC-133-KIRAN), (RLC-92-R-552) and (RLC-165-DEEPIKA) were identified. At biochemical level total seed protein profiling of the germplasms done using SDS-PAGE shows high level similarity between them. According to the similarity index, the dissimilar germplasm (R-7-RLC-161) has a 25% similarity. In contrast, molecular markers are used at molecular level and are more suitable for precise characterization, which in turn can successfully be utilized in the development of new cultivars with premium and desired traits. Two types of molecular markers, Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and simple sequence repeat (SSR), were used to determine the genetic diversity and molecular characterisation of 18 linseed germplasms. The current SSR primers investigation revealed that germplasms IA-32 and KIRAN (22%) were the most diverse, and primers LU-3 (0.84) and LU-8 (0.77) demonstrated the highest PIC value and 100% polymorphism. ISSR analysis revealed that genotypes IA-32 and DEEPIKA (20%) were the most diverse, with primers UBC-825(0.71) and UBC-850 (0.70) showing the highest PIC value and 100% polymorphism.
Pages: 681-687 | 612 Views 310 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Abhishek S Kamble, Mahendra S Dudhare, Ramesh N Dhawaleand Achut A Bharose. Characterization of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasms at morphological, biochemical and molecular level. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(3):681-687. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i3h.835