Vol. 8, Issue 3, Part H (2024)

Quality evaluation of nutritional cookies prepared by incorporation with chia seed and garden cress seed powder


SA Shelke, Sandeep GM Prasad, SG Ranvir, GM Solanke and SM Kadam

The baking industry stands as a prominent sector within the realm of processed foods. One key benefit of bakery goods lies in their adaptability for enrichment with grains, millets, or additional beneficial components. Cookies, typically comprising cereal-based baked items, tend to possess a moisture content below 5% following the baking process. Two major ingredients-fat and sugar are used to enrich four in cookies. Considering these concerns, it becomes necessary to replace wheat flour with alternative substances to decrease gluten content and enhance the quality attributes of cookies. The bulk of Indian people diet is vegetarian and the major part of energy and protein comes from cereals and pulses. The aim of this study involve examining the physicochemical attributes of cookies prepared by integrating chia seed and garden cress seed powder. Analysis of physical properties and Mineral content of cookies consists of Weight (g), diameter (Per/mm), thickness (Per/mm), spread Ratio (%) and Calcium (%), Magnesium (%) and Iron (%). The gathered data underwent analysis using one-way ANOVA with a significance level set at 5%. These results show the content of Weight, diameter, thickness, spread Ratio (%), Calcium, Magnesium and Iron content were obtained in the range of (9.80-13.30 gm), (46.20-47.90 mm), (9.80-11.70 mm), (4.01-4.83%), (15.05-212.75%), (22.18-148.90%) and (1.70-19.42%) respectively. Based on the Physical properties and Minerals content, T12: T1: T2. The outcome of this research can be used as valuable information for the quality evaluation of nutritious cookies.

Pages: 639-643  |  629 Views  296 Downloads

How to cite this article:
SA Shelke, Sandeep GM Prasad, SG Ranvir, GM Solanke and SM Kadam. Quality evaluation of nutritional cookies prepared by incorporation with chia seed and garden cress seed powder. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(3):639-643. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i3h.810