Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part a (2024)

Transgressive segregation in cross 3x6 of F2 generation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)


SJ Ramteke, Dr. DB Kshirsagar and DD Patil

The present investigation was undertaken during Rabi 2018 - 2019 with an objective to study transgressive segregation in F2 generation to introgress into genotypes of the selfed progeny derivatives of tomato. The investigation comprised of evaluation of F2 generation for transgressive segregation for important quantitative traits in cross, 3 x 6 (C2) and their parents. These studies helped to find out the percent of transgressive segregation in F2 generation. In most of the segregation of cross 3 x 6 in F2 generation the yield per plant of better parent was found to be transgreed simultaneously with transgression of one or more other yield contributing character. The data on ten quantitative characters were used for studying transgressive segregation of cross 3 x 6 in F2 generation. Mean standard deviation were calculated to determine transgressive segregation for characters under investigation. Desirable transgressive segregation was observed for all ten characters except number of locules in fruits. The highest transgressive segregation were observed in plant height (24.74%), followed by number of fruits per plant (23.68%), polar diameter (23.16%), equatorial diameter of fruit (22.90%) and yield per plant (20.68%) in cross 3 x 6 (C2) of F2 generation.

Pages: 30-32  |  663 Views  311 Downloads

How to cite this article:
SJ Ramteke, Dr. DB Kshirsagar and DD Patil. Transgressive segregation in cross 3x6 of F2 generation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(2):30-32. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i2a.508