Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part G (2024)

Quality attributes of thirst-quenching dehydrated lime slices


Chandan K, Yadava CG, Srinivasulu GB, Pushpa P, Raghunath R and Kiran Nagajjanavar

Lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) is a commercial crop rich in ascorbic acid, antioxidants and other nutrients. A study was conducted to prepare thirst-quenching dehydrated lime slices using low-cost technology. A good quality organoleptically acceptable thirst-quenching dehydrated lime slices can be obtained by blanching fruits for five minutes and mixing fruit slices with cooking salt (75 g kg-1) for 10 days, followed by steeping in 50°B sugar syrup for 24 h and adding with spice mixture (25 g kg-1 fruit slices) containing dry cumin (10 g), ginger (6 g), ajwain (6 g), black pepper (4 g), followed by drying in poly-solar dryer. The dehydrated slices recorded significantly highest sensory scores (out of 5 points on the hedonic scale) for colour and appearance (4.06), texture (4.08), mouth feel (4.17) and overall acceptability (4.11) and retained the highest ascorbic acid content (9.58 mg 100 g-1) as compared to control.

Pages: 539-541  |  668 Views  271 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Chandan K, Yadava CG, Srinivasulu GB, Pushpa P, Raghunath R and Kiran Nagajjanavar. Quality attributes of thirst-quenching dehydrated lime slices. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(2):539-541. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i2g.611