Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part A (2024)
Effect of varied levels of NPK fertilizer management on growth, yield and yield attributes of maize in maize based intercropping systems under Southern Transitional zone of Karnataka
Santosh, Ganapathi, GN Thippeshappa, NS Mavarkar, C Sunil and LB Ashok
A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Bhavikere, Karnataka during Kharif season of 2019 and 2020 to “Studies on NPK dynamics in soil under maize and groundnut based intercropping systems in rainfed situation” and The experiment was laid out in split-plot design in which intercropping systems as three main plot (M) viz., M1-Maize sole crop, M2-Maize+Soyabean intercrop (4:2), M3-Maize+redgram intercrop (8:2) and NPK level as five subplot treatment (S) viz., S1: Control, S2: Rec. NPK, S3: 75% of Rec. NPK + Rec. FYM, S4: 100% of Rec. NPK + Rec. FYM, S5: 125% of Rec. NPK + Rec. FYM with three replications involving fifteen treatments. Grain and stover yields of maize was significantly higher (2304 kg ha-1 and 2695 kg ha-1, respectively) with application of 125 percent recommended NPK with 7.5 t ha-1 recommended FYM as compared to rest of the treatment. Plant height, cob length, cob weight and 100 grain weight was also recorded in the same treatment.
Pages: 33-38 | 611 Views 279 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Santosh, Ganapathi, GN Thippeshappa, NS Mavarkar, C Sunil and LB Ashok. Effect of varied levels of NPK fertilizer management on growth, yield and yield attributes of maize in maize based intercropping systems under Southern Transitional zone of Karnataka. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(2):33-38. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i2a.509