Vol. 8, Issue 11, Part C (2024)
Influence of different sowing dates on yield and economics of irrigated linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
RN Tokale, Dr. JR Katore, YV Deshmukh, Dr. SS Thakare, GG Koytade and PM Bahekar
Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an annual herbaceous plant and generally requires fairly cool and humid conditions for its optimum growth and yield. Crop growth and development are closely related with dates of sowing which ultimately affect yield and economics. Therefore, experiment was conducted on influence of different sowing dates on yield and economics of irrigated linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) with linseed variety PKV NL-260 during Rabi-2023-24 at AICRP on linseed, College of Agriculture, Nagpur. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with six treatments and replicated four times. Treatment under study were T1 (Sowing of linseed in last week of October, 44th MW), T2 (Sowing of linseed in 1st week of November, 45th MW), T3 (Sowing of linseed in 2nd week of November, 46th MW), T4 (Sowing of linseed in 3rd week of November, 47th MW), T5 (Sowing of linseed in 4th week of November, 48th MW) and T6 (Sowing of linseed in 1st week of December, 49th MW) with spacing 30 cm between row to row on plot with size of 4.8 m x 4.2 m. Other operations were carried out as per recommendations. Results revealed that, treatment T2 (Sowing of linseed in 1st week of November, 45th MW) produces significantly highest grain and straw yield, gross monetary returns (GMR), net monetary returns (NMR) and B: C (Benefit: Cost) ratio as compared to rest of the treatments.
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