International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research


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Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part B (2024)

Light microscopic details of Hassall’s corpuscles in TANUVAS Aseel chicken

Author(s): Sivakumar SA, Kannan TA, Sabiha Hayath Basha, Leela V, Vairamuthu S and Ushakumari S
Abstract: The primary objective of this study was to document the microscopic characteristics of thymic Hassall's corpuscles in Aseel Chickens across various age brackets, ranging from day-old to thirty-two weeks. The Hassall's corpuscles were identified as circular, uniform eosinophilic masses, surrounded by flattened reticular cells. While these corpuscles were predominantly located in the medulla of the chicken thymus, their presence was also observed in the cortical regions of day-old, four-week, and eight-week age groups. Six distinct types of Hassall's corpuscles were identified in Aseel chickens based on their structural arrangements. The number of corpuscles increased with age, featuring a central hyalinized mass surrounded by concentric layers of reticuloepithelial cells.
Pages: 96-98  |  211 Views  92 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
How to cite this article:
Sivakumar SA, Kannan TA, Sabiha Hayath Basha, Leela V, Vairamuthu S, Ushakumari S. Light microscopic details of Hassall’s corpuscles in TANUVAS Aseel chicken. Int J Adv Biochem Res 2024;8(1):96-98. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i1b.312
International Journal of Advanced Biochemistry Research
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