Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part a (2024)

Combining ability and gene action studies for nutritional traits in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R Br.]


RK Gavali, SH Karvar, SN Kohkade and SD Thorat

The forty hybrids used in the experiment were produced by a line x tester mating design with four male sterile lines and ten restores serving as parental material. Two hybrids, Aadishakti and Pratap, were used as standard checks. “During the Kharif 2018 season, the parents, hybrids, and two standard checks were evaluated for a total of 12 traits”. Notable variations were noted for each of the twelve characters under investigation. The greatest general combiner for grain yield among the females was determined to be DHLB-787A, which also had noteworthy GCA impacts for eight additional traits. Due to their strong GCA effects, DHLB-754A and DHLB-769A were excellent general combiners for earliness. For grain iron and zinc concentration (ppm), DHLB-754-A and DHLB-787A were good general combiners. For the majority of the characters under examination, it was discovered that S-18/05, S-18/08, S-18/06, S-18/07, S-18/03, and S-18/04 were good general combiners among the male parents. “The cross DHLB-760 x S-18/05 is the best specific combiner for grain yield per plant; DHLB-760 x S-18/09 and DHLB-769A x S-18/09 are the next best combinations”. The best specific combiner for iron content (ppm) was the cross combination DHLB-760 x S-18/01. For the majority of the variables under investigation, they generated noteworthy and advantageous SCA effects, with the possibility of utilizing hybrid vigor in breeding programs.

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How to cite this article:
RK Gavali, SH Karvar, SN Kohkade and SD Thorat. Combining ability and gene action studies for nutritional traits in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R Br.]. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(1):01-05. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i1Sa.273