Vol. 8, Issue 1, Part C (2024)
Introgression FEC B gene in small farmer’s sheep flocks of Tamil Nadu for increasing lamb production
Jeyakumar M and N Murali
A study was conducted in small farmer sheep blocks in Tamil Nadu to check for the presence of the fecundity gene, Fec B. Using the PCR RFLP method, a total of 144 genomic DNA samples were screened for the Fec B gene mutation. The test results indicated that the sheep flocks owned by the farmers contained a sizable percentage of FecB mutations. The frequency of the wild, FecB homozygote (BB) and heterozygote (B+) genotypes in NARI Swarna introgressed with Mecheri and Madras Red sheep was 50.00 and 38.70; 48.70 and 56.40 and 01.30 and 04.83 percent, respectively. The frequencies of the wild FecB heterozygote (B+), homozygote (BB), and homozygote (B) genotypes in Sandyno sheep were 88.14, 11.86, and 0.00 percent, respectively. In contrast, the FecB gene was not detected in any of the screened samples from Mecheri and Tiruchy Black sheep in Coimbatore, and all of the animals had the uncut 140 bp band wild type (++) genotype.
Pages: 181-185 | 565 Views 232 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Jeyakumar M and N Murali. Introgression FEC B gene in small farmer’s sheep flocks of Tamil Nadu for increasing lamb production. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2024;8(1):181-185. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2024.v8.i1c.332