Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part a (2023)

Moringa oleifera: Review on herbal healing properties and Nutritional values


Rakhi Das, Ranju Khatiwada, Rezina Pradhan, Rishav Das, Sarashwati Karn, Ravi Bhushan Sharma and Roshan Kumar Yadav

Despite being indigenous to India, Nepal, and the highlands of the Himalayas, Moringa oleifera flourishes in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Drumsticks or horseradish trees are frequently used for this plant. The Moringa plant is affordable, readily available, and extremely nutritious, and it is widely used for its therapeutic properties. The little softwood tree Moringa oleifera grows swiftly and adapts well to a dry, sandy environment. Moringa plants include substances that are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-tumour, cardiovascular, and central nervous system support. The manufacturing of antifungal and antibacterial drugs, the production of biofuels and oils, and the treatment of wastewater are just a few of the many uses for which Moringa plants have been one of humanity’s most significant suppliers. This review discusses the various medical applications of Moringa as well as its morphology, nutritional needs, notable pharmacological qualities, commercial uses, safety studies, and commercial viability.

Pages: 20-34  |  1191 Views  750 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Rakhi Das, Ranju Khatiwada, Rezina Pradhan, Rishav Das, Sarashwati Karn, Ravi Bhushan Sharma and Roshan Kumar Yadav. Moringa oleifera: Review on herbal healing properties and Nutritional values. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2023;7(1):20-34. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2023.v7.i1a.158