Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part a (2023)
The digitally measuring electrolytes and non-electrolytes may lead to dwarfness and tallness respectively in animal kingdom
Debabrata Das, Prakriti Das, Aranya Das and Santa Ana Das
Digital biochemistry may say higher electrolytes in environments cause dwarfness whereas non-electrolytes cause tallness. We found non-electrolytes Isoprene, Terpenoides, Flavonoides, Fats and Oils, Steroids, secondary sex hormones etc may lead to diseases-less and hence increases growth, vigour, tallness, strength and reproduction capacity etc. Higher electrolytes Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) found are negatively correlated with somatic and reproductive growths and whereas EC may do reverse to the mankind. The reasons behind this digital rules are that any excessive ionic metals may cause enzymatic hazards to animal cell biology to growth unlike plants. Instances found in fisheries digital records from an inland aquatic systems, are predominantly being used in decision making process for fisheries sustenance. In this documentary chapter applications are communicated on the basis of detection. Dissolved concentration in an aquatic medium available in analogue signal electronically can be measured to a digital signal and possibly through their recording may help in fisheries, at micro to extensive geographic scale. Aspects are described here for the natural sustenance in fishes viz. to facilitate natural breeding and on the other auspicious aspect of desired preventives in fish health hazards and this may be possible ideally, using the electronics and computers.
Pages: 14-18 | 615 Views 254 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Debabrata Das, Prakriti Das, Aranya Das and Santa Ana Das. The digitally measuring electrolytes and non-electrolytes may lead to dwarfness and tallness respectively in animal kingdom. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2023;7(1):14-18. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2023.v7.i1a.157