Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part a (2018)
Biochemical and physicochemical properties of Persea americana fruits replacement for margarine on wheat-avocado cakes production on wistar rats
Ani Celestine Okafor, Agiopu Toby Unimniake, and Anyaeji Pamela Somkene
This research assessed the biochemical and physicochemical effect of Persea Americana fruits cake (PAFC) which served as a close substitute for margarine in Wistar rats. The animals were grouped into six of 5 rats each. Group A= received 100% Margarine and served normal as control, Group B= 20% Margarine+ 80% Avocado, Group C= 30% Margarine+ 70% Avocado, Group D= 40% Margarine+ 60% Avocado, Group E= 50% Margarine+ 50% Avocado, Group F= 100% Avocado only and all had access to clean drinking water ad libitum. The animals received these varieties of Persea Americana cakes for twenty one days. The results of the proximate composition of wheat-avocado cake showed that avocado cake contains higher carbohydrate, protein and fats. The carbohydrate content was highest in group F followed by group D It is also high in protein composition compared to group E D, B, and C. In spite that group F contain the highest amount of fiber followed by group D, C and E. More so, the moisture contents were higher in groups B and A respectively. The ash content were higher in group E and group A while the fat contents of group F has the least amount compared to groups E, C and A respectively. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between group A compared to other groups ranging from their percentage moisture composition to their percentage carbohydrate compositions. After the analysis, it was observed that the total cholesterol levels (TC-L) increased in all the test groups with group A recording the highest concentration. It was observed that the cakes have concentration of iron and sodium followed by calcium and magnesium. F (65.0±1.9)Mg/dl respectively. In the low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) there was a decrease in the initial values obtained before treatment of the animals with the cake. Groups A, B, C, D and F decreased with the exception of group E. The order of decreased in their LDL-C are Groups D>F>B>C>A, while A increased. The (HDL-C) was also analyzed and it was discovered that their values increased significantly. Group B increased more than group C, F, A, D and E the one-way ANOVA shows no significance difference (P>0.05) within and among groups in the TC- level. In overall, the biochemical and the physico- chemical properties of wheat avocado study shows that wheat avocado cake is strongly important in the management of hyperlipidemia and could be used or substituted essentially for margarine or butter in the production/baking of cakes though the texture and the aroma were not as pleasant as the 100% margarine cake.
Pages: 54-59 | 590 Views 213 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ani Celestine Okafor, Agiopu Toby Unimniake, and Anyaeji Pamela Somkene. Biochemical and physicochemical properties of Persea americana fruits replacement for margarine on wheat-avocado cakes production on wistar rats. Int. J. Adv. Biochem. Res. 2018;2(1):54-59. DOI: 10.33545/26174693.2018.v2.i1a.122